Make Yourself Designs Blog
The 4 Steps to Organizing Your Beauty Products using the Konmari Method
Beauty products have always been some of my favorite things to collect, but they aren’t really my favorite to get rid of. I don’t know if you’re like me, but I’ve noticed I’m collecting makeup and skincare products like they’re rare Pokemon cards. This creates bins and drawers of sometimes expired, or unused makeup that i’m forgetting about or i’m straight up ignoring (lazy hack). Are your shelves looking a little too full? Maybe spent a little too much money on the never ending new beauty products coming out? Then keep reading, and let’s tackle this together once and for all: Organizing our Beauty Products.
1. Declutter your space:
I’m sure I’m not the first and I won’t be the last person to tell you about Marie Kondo and the Konmari Method but here we go: Take EVERYTHING out of your beauty space. Everything comes off the shelves, every last eyeliner and brush comes out of their storage containers. Put it all in one spot and when you’re done take a look…..WOW! Have a bag ready for things that you want to get rid of. And don’t forget to consider donating beauty products that you haven’t used or are gently used.
Above is an actual photo of one of my makeup drawers that I just recently de-cluttered. Embarrassing? Kind of. Helpful? Totally. If I can do it, you can too! I’ve recently moved all of my makeup into a smaller shelf space and its so much easier to keep track of.
2. Decision Making:
Now is the hardest part, you have to decide what you want to keep and what you don’t. Marie Kondo & the Konmari method tell you to pick up the item and if it “sparks joy” for you, then keep it. If the item doesn’t spark joy, toss it. Another thing to consider: is it even sanitary, or has it expired? Some of our makeup has a shelf life of only 6 months, take a look at the back of the product if you’re confused.
3. Find a New Home:
Now that you’ve decided what you want to keep, how will you keep it? Will you sort it by color? By product type? Glance over your products and start to see what would make the most sense in the space you’re giving it. Maybe arrange them in groups on the ground around you and see. Scroll through my pinterest board Beauty Organization for some ideas and serious inspo.
4. Curate an Everyday Essentials bag:
This here is my best tip for someone who has a busy morning, or doesn’t want to have to go back and forth from the drawer to the mirror. What do you use almost every day to do your makeup? Choose your most used products and put them in one makeup bag so that you can grab it and get to work (OR grab it and get out the door on those late mornings!)
Click HERE to view my handmade waterproof makeup bags like the one below.
Feel like you’re ready to tackle your makeup & beauty products? You’ve got this! De-Cluttering and organizing are like going to the gym, something you know you need to do; hate working up the courage to do; but reap insane rewards after!
For more information on Marie Kondo and the Konmari Method, here is her best seller titled “The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up”